Monday, June 30, 2008

Hey Sweaty Gym Guy

Rule #1 When Going to The Gym. Bring a towel!!! I'm talking to you "Mr. Sweaty No Towel Guy"

Let's get something straight here. At the gym you are going to sweat. Most of us dudes will sweat through a shirt. Meaning you will leave residue or sweat stains or pools of sweat at machines during your time at the gym. Grab the towel on the way out the door and wipe up after your done using whatever machine suits your fancy.

Today I was working out at the gym and I was having one of those really good workouts. You know the ones where you are really feeling a burn, your muscles are really working and your really into it. That was today for me. Well I was finishing up on the 3rd of 4 machines that I use for my upper body, I was walking towards the next machine and that's when it happened.
Who do I see getting up from my next machine, the one guy at the gym I always try to avoid at all costs. Not only is it "Mr. Sweaty No Towel Guy", but he must have been having a really good work just like I was because he could have filled a bucket if he were to ring at that shirt he was wearing.

Immediately a sense of dread washed over me. I felt like my routine was over, I thought about skipping that machine, maybe even the rest of my workout, but I walked over just to check out the damage. Gross, does not begin to explain the scene that lay before my eyes. I can handle a streak or two or ten. I can handle drips even in the dozens. This was more. This was a waste land of pools of sweat and streaks. Gross my friends, is an understatement. As I stood there, staring at the nightmare that was, God must have been smiling at me saying, "My boy, I've got your back". Just as I was about to walk away a staff member cleaning off machines just happened to be near by. I waved him over, he should have roped off the machine with crime scene tape and had the thing declared a bio-hazard but he just said, "no problemo" as if he's seen this before. Sprayed it with what I hoped was some kind of nuclear form of clorox and wiped it off. Satisfied, I finished my workout and went home.
Please, please, please people....if your a sweaty person and your going to work out. Do us all the courtesy and bring a towel and wipe of the machines! No one likes to use a machine with your residue left on it.
Peace and Love!

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