Sunday, November 2, 2008

Are You Bitter?


Oh man, church was good this weekend! My pastor is on this "Hostage" series, talking about things in our life that can hold us hostage and keep us from living to the complete potential that God has for us. Last week was on finances. This week....BITTERNESS! LOL. Yeah, I know...laugh. I did at first. Then he laid it all out there and my jaw hit the floor. I must say, this was once of the most thought provoking sermons I've ever heard. I wish I could put everything down for you here, but here are some of the highlights.

Verse: Hebrews 12:14-15 "Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many."

As he was giving his sermon Saturday night, I thought about a situation where I think I may still be bitter towards someone. Sadly, I don't have to think I may still be bitter...I know I am. I was hurt and I have not truly gotten over it. I haven't truly forgiven that person in the way God would want me to forgive them. I feel like I'm justified to feel the way I do. Like they deserve whatever bad thing happens to them because of the hurt they caused me. Bitterness. Like a rag weed in my heart I never noticed before.

In my head I envisioned my life like a yard. Sin...Bitterness...being like a weed. You can easily spot it as it grows up above your beautiful lawn, tarnishing they view. So I drive my lawn mower over it by asking God's forgiveness for my bitter feelings. Then a few weeks later...BOOM! The weed is back. Simply mowing over the weed isn't enough. I've got to dig deep and yank that thing out by the roots to really remove it.

HOW? Good questions...glad you asked.

Verse: Ephesians 3:18-20 "And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think."

Understand how God loves you. Let the power of His love work in you. And the key. Forgive as you have been forgiven. I love the verse in Ephesians that says "...forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you" My pastor talked about how if you made a list of all the things that you have done against God. All the sins you've committed and laid them to pad and pen you would really see just what God meant by forgive like He does. Think about your laundry list. How many times have you sinned against God and he forgave you?

I know. My list is pretty long too. But if God asks us to forgive as He does, Bitterness should hold us hostage no more. Who are you bitter towards? What are you bitter about? Let God show you and let His love lead you to forgive. God Bless.


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