Thursday, November 6, 2008


God Remains

Two days since America chose President-Elect Barack Obama as our next Commander and Chief many people are still feeling a sense of uneasiness or worry. I've had emails ranging from the simple to the outrageous. Ones have literally called Barack Obama the "Anti-Christ" because of his sudden rise to power, global influence, Muslim ties and radical view points.

Folks, lets calm down a little. Last I checked, God is still God and He, not Barack Obama, reigns supreme. Barack Obama may be our 44th elected President, but I don't put my trust in him and more than I did President Bush. My trust sits firmly in the palms of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Barack Obama ran a campaign on Change and Hope. I prefer a campaign on Forever and Love. God is never changing, always the same today, yesterday and tomorrow and His Love is forever for you. Unending. Undying. Unstoppable. My hope and trust sits with the one who will never leave us nor forsake us. Place your trust there as well.

I got a really great email yesterday that read: Wednesday the sun came up and I was happy. It is still morning in America. The candidate I voted for did not win, but I got to vote in a free and fair election. Power will be passed peacefully and the Constitution is intact.We should never take that for granted.The United States of America is still a marvelous place to live. People suffering in the Sudan would trade our worst day, economically speaking, for their best. Citizens in more prosperous China do not have the chance to throw the rascals out.The sun is not setting on the American experiment. It is still rising, because there is still work to be done expanding the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to all citizens. It is glorious that an African-American has been elected President of the United States. Slavery was the original sin of the Republic and racism remains the bitter experience of too many Americans. The election of Barack Obama will not end racism in the United States, but it is a positive, symbolic step forward.Each one of these steps brings us further to Dr. King’s dream of a society where men and women are judged on the content of their character and not on race.President-elect Obama will soon be my head of state. I will pray for him daily and for his success. He is my president and it is my duty to do so. Besides, 2012 is not so far away…

Take that as you will. God is with you. And for those who think Obama is the Anti-Christ. Why worry? If he is, God is coming really soon! Amen, Hallelujah! So live like he was coming in the next five minutes and get ready for a party in Heaven!


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