Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Going Through The Fire

The Refiners Fire

We had an interesting Thought for the Day today on the morning show. Its not often that one sticks with me throughout the day. But I haven't been able to get this one out of my head. All day its just been on replay in my head. So I figured I would write something on it. If not for your benefit, then mine.

This is the line that been running through my head: For he is like a refiner’s fire, and like fuller’s soap: and he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, and they may offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness” Malachi 3:1-3

The actual process of purifying silver is a tedious job. I've seen discovery channel enough to know that. The silver goes into the fire, then out of the fire, into the fire, then back out of the fire. Over and over and over and over again...until all the impurities are removed. Leave the silver in the fire too long, the silver is destroyed. Not enough and what's the point, nothing changes. Sounds vaguely familiar huh? It did for me.

As I go through life's "fires" or trials in my life I realize that once I come out the other side I come out of it a slightly different person. If I had done things God's way and learned to trust in Him, lean on His wisdom and just basically do what I was supposed to have done, I come out of that fire a lot like that piece of silver. A little better, a little shinier, a little more pure.

The most amazing part of the silver purification process is the test to see if it is its purest form or not. This metal is perfect only when the ‘refiner’ is able to see His reflection in the silver. Jesus is looking for our lives to reflect His glory.

That's a pretty neat thought huh...I thought so. I wish I could claim it, but I can't.

Count it all joy when you face life's fires because its an opportunity for God to refine the work he is doing in you. Yes, I know it stinks when your in it. The fire can be hot and I've lived in Florida long enough to know that heat can be brutal. Makes me happy I'm going to heaven. If I can barely handle a Florida summer, a lake of fire forever is something I'm going to pass on. But its the going through that refining process that Gods majesty begins to reflect in our lives, in our speech and in our actions. Trust me I know the process isn't always fun, but you come out the other side a better person, a stronger person and with a faith that was deeper than before you went in.

My hope for me is that I continue to let the refiner work on me from the inside out. Each time becoming more and more the man he created me to be and if it gets too hot, Jesus Christ is our escape. We can run into His arms and feel His love and grace surround us. He is looking for His face to shine in our lives. I also pray he give me a little warning next time. If I'm going back in I'd like to put on my board shorts and sunglasses and maybe even a little SPF 45 on my nose.

Be Blessed.


1 comment:

Tamara said...

This one stuck with me, too—thank you for writing about it here. What struck me most was the part about the metal only being perfect when the refiner can see his reflection in it—love it!!!