Sunday, January 24, 2010

Feeling Under The Weather

Yes, I'm Sick...

For me, being sick is a lot like a three year old throwing a week long tantrum. I’m cranky, require constant attention and no matter how great something is, it’s never good enough. Ah yes, the joy that is Carlos…sick. Really, the only benefit to being sick is that I can get away with almost anything.

I can beg for a remote control that’s juuuuuuust out of arms reach.

I can ask for my favorite meal and ‘poof’ it just magically appears. Campbell’s Chicken and Stars if you’re wondering.

I can even throw all desire for personal hygiene out the window. (True story, as a teen I had the flu and didn’t shower for 3 days, my mom literally brought a hose in the house and sprayed me in bed so I would get up and take a shower. Sadly, I think I am proud of the fact that I made it three days)

The thing is…when I am sick, even though I am physically miserable, I almost enjoy it to a certain extent. Don’t get me wrong, I would rather be 100% healthy and know that having a head cold is nothing compared to something truly horrible that could befall me. But who wouldn’t love a few days of being pampered and waited on hand and foot.

Well today as I was basking in the glow of feeling under the weather and the smell of Campbell’s soup wafting in the air I realized that at times my prayer life can become a bit “spiritually” sick.

Think about how you act when something bad happens in your life. Maybe you didn’t get that promotion you wanted or a bonus you thought you would be getting doesn’t happen or worse. When bad things happen, we can fall into a “Sick Carlos” kind of prayer life. We find our favorite spot and have a pity party with God. Now there is nothing wrong with asking God why something happens or to fix the problems in our lives. Just don’t let that be the only reason you fall to your knees before the throne and don’t let that become the only way you pray. If its all about you, you, you and fix, fix, fix then you may be missing a real chance for God to do something truly great in your life.

Before I became full-time staff at Spirit FM. I thought I was ready for radio stardom. I thought my talents were not being recognized and that the world was missing out on ME! Carlos the next big radio star! I really did think that way for a time. And trust me, I would pray, God why is this happening? Why am I not working in radio yet? Lord, help me find a place in radio. Please God point me in the right direction to do radio. On and on and on…I’m actually surprised God didn’t zap me from heaven. My prayer life was all focused on me not getting what I thought I deserved. When we become so engulfed by what we don’t have, we miss out on what we do.

So you miss out on a promotion, happened to a friend of mine. He had the chance of a lifetime to become a very important person at a major financial firm. Everything seemed like the job was his. BUT, he didn’t get it. He did the pity party to God thing only to realize later that God had his best interest in mind. That financial firm had serious job cuts when the recession struck. That position he wanted was eliminated and the person who was promoted let go, while his job was held safe. Had he been promoted, he would have lost his job.

What I mean by this rant is one thing. Its not our place to understand everything that happens to us in life. God is not up in heaven with puppet master strings, casting lightning bolts down on us to see how we dance. When bad things happen. Look to God for direction and HIS will in our lives. Let Him guide our footsteps. He holds your best interest in His hands and wants to bless your life. Trust me. I know. The day I switched my attitude was the day I began to make the most of my part time status at Spirit FM. I began to take my time there more seriously, to practice my craft, to get better and then, when I was really ready. God opened the door. A BIG DOOR. I went from the night jock to morning show host in less than a year. Why? I don’t know. Only God does. So let Him guide your footsteps, turn your life over to His mighty hands and just hang on and enjoy the ride.

Be Blessed.


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