Sunday, January 25, 2009

The "B" Word

Budget, I've been put on one!

Last night at church (and by the way, I must say I love Saturday night church) Pastor Craig talked about finances. He covered questions like, do we control where our money goes or does it control how we feel? Even landed on the "B" word. Budget. Something I started as part of my New Years things to do list.

Since January, I put myself on a very strict budget. No frivolous spending, watch what and where I eat, I even cut back on some of the fun stuff I go and do. My goal is to really begin to save money and be a better steward of what God has given me. Basically, start to control my money and dictate what it does, not the other way around where money controls me and dictates what I can tithe, or where I can go eat, or what I can do. Think about it.

Lets say your living above your means, you're making X but spending Y and Y is of a higher amount than X. Eventually, your life will become dictated by money. You'll never have enough, you'll always need more, you may begin borrowing from Peter to pay the bank. My pastor said it best when he said, "There are 3 types of people when it comes to money now a days. The Have's, The Have Not's and the Have Not Paid For What They Have!" It's so true.

Back to my budget. The month isn't even over yet and I can already see the benefit of having a budget. I dropped the amount of spending on going out to eat (restaurants, drive-thrus, coffee shops) by over 60%! That's money that can now go directly into the savings account. And trust me, I still had a good time with my friends going out for dinner. I just cut out the fluff, the times when I could make something at the house instead of ordering Chili's take out or the quick stop at Panera.

If I can do it, I know you can too. Budget! And become a better steward of what God has given you. Because lets be honest here. It's His anyways. God given. So put it to good use. Be Blessed!


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