Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My Days are Numbered

How to Live

This past weekend at church one of our pastors said something that caught me off guard. It was something that wasn't a part of a message or even a prayer, but it struck a chord with me and I can't stop thinking about it.

Pastor Q, said something to the effect of, "Live your life like your days are numbered."

Not in a morbid "your going to die in seven days for watching the wrong VHS tape" sort of way, but in a "time really is running out" sort of way. So what are we waiting for!

We go through this rat race of life chasing after fame, fortune, accolades, things that scream "Look at me! Look at me!" Look at my new TV, it's huge and yet so flat! Look at my new car, it's so shiny! Look at my new ________! (fill in the blank with whatever fits)

There is nothing wrong with a new TV or Car or House or any of that stuff, but where is our hearts desire? Who are we chasing after? Think back on the story of King Solomon. (Yes, the guy in the Bible)

When King David died, one of his sons, Solomon, became king. Now, Solomon was a young man and he didn’t feel very confident about being the king. One day he went to sacrifice some of his animals to God. This was a way that he could tell God how much he loved Him. That night something happened. While Solomon was asleep, he had a dream. In his dream God asked him a question. God said, “Ask for anything you want. I will give it to you.”

(Wow!! Can you believe it? Solomon could ask for ANYTHING he wanted, ANYTHING! The technology for a TV or new chariot, new kingdom, glory, literally anything)

Solomon answered, “God I am like a child. I do not have the wisdom I need to run the kingdom. I ask that you give me wisdom to rule Your kingdom.” God was so pleased with Solomon’s request. God was proud of Solomon because he didn’t choose a long life or riches. Because of this, God gave Solomon wisdom—AND riches and honor.

His heart was right were God wanted it. Solomon put God first. Matthew 6:33 says, "But seek you first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you."

I say all this because what my pastor said really sparked all that in me! Time is running out, our days are numbered. Who knows when our last breathe will be, so in the mean time run after what God has and let's tell the world about His loving grace and peace and joy and kindness and all that HE is to you and I. Imagine if you only had one day left to tell your family about eternity, would you waste it chasing the glory of a new porche 911 turbo or would you spend it on plane tickets racing against time to tell everyone in your family about a love that knows no end?


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